Imagine you are rushing to the Airport to get a flight to your destination, but your visa application is not approved. This situation can be nerve-racking for anyone, especially when they have an important appointment. This can happen to you as well while you are applying for a Vietnam visa.

Well, most people start their visa application way before to avoid the rush and have enough time to fix errors in the visa applications, however, there are some cases where the applicants fail to get their visa due to unexpected errors that show up at the last minute. Interested to know how you can manage such a blunder calmly and get your Vietnam visa at the last minute? This blog will guide you and help you understand the steps that can bring you out of that type of situation so that you will be allowed to visit Vietnam for emergency purposes.

Before we head to the main points, let’s first understand what are the common causes that can lead to the situation we are talking about. It can be that you forgot to visit the Vietnam Embassy and apply for the visa in time. You are short in time and the appointment was scheduled late, you planned a sudden trip, you forgot to bring the documents required for a Vietnam visa on arrival or anything else. Now you need to know how to come out of this situation and get your Vietnam visa at the last minute. The answer is a Vietnam emergency visa.

Wondering how it works? Well, when you are applying for a Vietnam e-Visa, it can be arranged within 2 working days. If there is an urgency, your visa can be ready within a minimum of 2 working hours. However, when it comes to last-minute Vietnam visas, you can get them even faster than Vietnam-on-arrival visas. The visa will be ready and provided within 1 working hour and you will be ready to get on your flight to embark on your journey to Vietnam.

Here we have explained the steps that can help you to get a last-minute Vietnam visa. So, start exploring!

First, go to Vietnam e-Visa that offers Vietnam visa services and application forms for different visa types. Click on Apply Now button.

Secondly, find the Vietnam e-Visa Application Form and fill in all the necessary details. We offer a comprehensive guide to make the application process stress-free for you.

Thirdly, you will get a confirmation mail from us where we will mention whether your visa application is waiting to be processed. You will get detailed instructions for the visa fee payment so that you can pay the fee successfully and we can start processing your visa.

Lastly, we will provide a visa approval letter via email and give you guidance on how to get a visa stamp after arriving at the airport.

Vietnam has an incredible landscape, beaches, beautiful cities, world heritage sites to diverse culture Vietnam offers a lot more to be explored.Learn more at Vietnam Bucket List – Must See Places In Vietnam.

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