How to Get a Canadian ETA with a Criminal Record?

Foreign nationals from 53 countries can now easily get their Canadian eTA to enter to the country’s 2015 debut of its electronic travel authorization system.

The type of conviction, the date it occurred, and other requirements specified by the Canadian government determine whether a traveler with a criminal record can obtain an eTA to visit Canada.

The computerized eTA Canada system decides if a foreign individual is qualified to enter the country. Travelers can submit their personal information on the Canadian eTA application form online, including their full name, date of birth, citizenship, street address, and phone number. Their passport number, expiration date, and issue date must be entered.

All applicants who want the eTA for Canada are also required to answer inquiries about their medical history and criminal record.

Do I need to Declare any Expunged Convictions?

While the eTA for Canada makes it simpler to get a visa to enter the country, the system is also intended to spot persons who could be a security danger.

The Canadian eTA system compares information provided by the applicant with security databases to decide whether or not to award an eTA.

The applicant must be honest when answering the security questions on the eTA form. Each applicant is strongly cautioned against lying on their application because these questions ask about the applicant’s criminal background. Lying may result in the applicant being penalized in additional ways in addition to having their application for a Canada eTA rejected.

The security questions on the Canada eTA application form are as follows, and truthful responses are required.

Have you ever had your entry denied into Canada or another nation?

If the response is “yes,” the applicant must detail each case in which entrance was refused and the occasion.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

If the answer is “yes,” the applicant must list each offense, along with the time, place, and punishment meted out.

Do you now receive regular treatment for a significant medical condition?

Verify the application to see if there are any restrictions indicated for you: untreated alcoholism/drug addiction, untreated insanity, untreated syphilis, etc.

Do you or a member of your family have frequent contact with someone who has tuberculosis? If so, the candidate will also need to respond to the following queries:

  • Is your interaction a result of your work as a healthcare professional?
  • Have you ever had a TB diagnosis?

Answering yes to any of the questions stated above, your application for an eTA to Canada may still be approved. If a applicants responds “yes” to one or more of the questions, the system demands that they offer further information.

Each case will be assessed separately. Whether an applicant is admitted to Canada will depend on the crime they committed, when it happened, and how they have behaved subsequently.

Can I Enter Canada If I Have Criminal Convictions Or Charges?

Even if they are facing charges or are convicted of a crime, some foreign nationals might be allowed to enter Canada. The answer will depend on the offense, the length of time after the conviction, and the person’s actions following the conviction or criminal accusation.

People who have committed crimes on Canadian soil or elsewhere are subject to restrictions. 

The following are a few instances of actions that may affect a person’s ability to enter Canada:

  • Depending on a warrant in which a charge will be brought against the individual
  • The traveler is being investigated for charges.
  • The applicant is currently undergoing trial.
  • The person is attempting to avoid being arrested in their home country.

Additionally, Canada defines distinctions between summary and indictable offenses. Indictable offenses are more severe than summary offenses, which are less serious.

A person is more likely to be admitted to Canada if they have committed a summary offense and are applying for an eTA. They would not be allowed entry if they have committed a crime in their native country that would be classified as an indictable or hybrid offence in Canada and carry a maximum sentence of at least 10 years in jail.

Travelers are acceptable and permitted entry into Canada if they have been cleared of a criminal charge at trial or in an appeals court. Every nation has a method for handling criminal cases that may resemble a pardon or acquittal. These issues are handled by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), which decides which ones are convictions and which ones are not.

In general, those who committed crimes while they were young are allowed to enter and travel to Canada. Foreign nationals who were convicted of a crime when under the age of 18 are still eligible to apply for and get an eTA to Canada.

What offenses prevent you from visiting Canada?

There are some crimes that can make a person ineligible for admission. This may encompass serious crime like:

  • Burglary
  • possession of drugs
  • Driving while intoxicated (DUI)
  • Fraud
  • Homicide
  • Sexual abuse

Since drunk driving is considered a serious crime in Canada, it is a major factor in the refusal of entrance for many persons.

How long after a crime can you enter Canada?

If enough time has passed, there are various circumstances in which someone with a criminal record may enter Canada.

The inadmissibility of people who completed their full sentence more than five years ago may be resolved.

A person may also be considered rehabilitated if they only have one misdemeanor on their record and at least 10 years have passed.

With a criminal record and no eTA, is I still allowed to enter Canada?

If they are denied an eTA to Canada, foreigners who want to visit Canada but have a criminal record should be aware that they can still apply for a Canadian visa at an embassy or consulate. Along with a current passport, they can be requested to show many other documents as well.

In the following circumstances, foreign nationals with criminal records may still be permitted to enter Canada:

  • The individual can persuade an immigration official that they satisfy the criteria necessary to be considered rehabilitated under the law.
  • The applicant’s request for rehabilitation was granted.
  • A pardon, traditionally known as a record suspension, has been awarded to the person.

The applicant must always be truthful while requesting an ETA in order to travel to Canada. There are severe repercussions for trying to enter a nation illegally, in addition to expulsion.